Why Avaada

Building a Sustainable Future

‘Promise’ & ‘Values’ are the founding stones at Avaada. We are driven by a united effort to preserve our planet and build great sustainable infrastructure and products. Our mission encompasses decades, and our goals transcend generations, all for one reason – to nurture and replenish Mother Earth.


Avaada is following strict quality control norms and manufacturing best in class PV products, for highest customer satisfaction.


Avaada is Encouraging innovation and collaboration across sectors and drive the development of new technologies, business models, and policies that support the circular economy. This includes advances in solar panel design, recycling technologies, energy storage solutions, and regulatory frameworks that incentivize circular practices.

Furthermore, our commitment to sustainability drives us to develop eco-friendly practices, minimizing our environmental footprint while maximizing energy output. Through strategic partnerships and a customer-centric approach. In addition to our existing achievements, we are continually investing in research and development to stay ahead of industry trends and maintain our position as a leader in the renewable energy sector. Our relentless pursuit of excellence and passion for innovation set us apart, making Avaada Manufacturing the preferred choice for sustainable energy solutions worldwide.


Avaada is following stringent environment policy including Zero Liquid Discharge. We are following green building norms and using green energy for all our manufacturing plant. Partnering with Avaada means you are contributing toward lowest carbon emission and greener future.

Our Promises

High Customer Value:

1. Lower 1 st Year and annual degradation.
2. Lower LCOE, reduced BOS cost, shorter payback time.
3. Suitable for commercial & Industrial, Residential and Ground applications.
4. Harvest more energy with cutting N-type Topcon (Tunnel Oxide Passivation contact) Technology.
5. Higher container space utilization effectively reducing freight cost.

High Module Reliability and Safety:

1. Reduced risk of hot spot with half cut cell Technology.
2. Sustainable in Harsh environments.
3. Resistant against salt, Ammonia, sand, LID, LeTID and PID.

High Energy Yield:

1. High Module Efficiency.
2. Excellent Low Irradiation performance.
3. Low temperature coefficient of power and lower operating temperature resulting in more power generation.
4. High Bi-faciality i.e. Additional power gain from back side depending on Albedo.
5. Reliable dual glass structure with 30 years power warranty.

Be a part of Sustainable future